Thursday 19 May 2011

The Secret Life of Water

Masuru Emoto, A Japanese scientist has written a book, The Secret Life of Water. He captures water molecules at the point of freezing and tells their story: Water molecules hold thought patterns. In other words, our thoughts and words affect the structure of water. He has shown that "Thank you" creates a beautiful pattern while "you idiot!" created chaos- the water molecules appeared stifled. Pictures are taken before during and after prayer. The change is remarkable with the end result again forming a beautiful pattern. My favorite experiment was with the word "happiness". The water crystals formed a perfectly symmetrical crystal that was very balanced, while "unhappiness" was faint and weak only partially formed. Emoto believes that"unhappiness is not the opposite of happiness-it's what we experience on the way to happiness."

My point is that our words carry power. Do we create words of harmony or disharmony?
Imagine how our own bodies respond to words knowing that we are composed of 70% water.....

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