Our emotions, thoughts, and feelings can literally affect the well-being of another and change their "blueprint". Our feelings create electrical and magnetic impulses that extend into the world around us, affecting others by our negative and positive thoughts and feelings. We are creating a ripple effect.....
Did you know that in medicine-less hospitals in places such as Beijing, China, physical diseases can be healed in a matter of minutes? This knowledge has been practiced for thousands of years in eastern cultures. Patients are seen by practitioners as healthy, whole, complete, vital. The patient's body then mirrors this this new image. This healing is done without judgment. The practitioners are changing the quantum blueprint in the body and invite a new possibility for the illness. Seeing others in their perfection can be quite healing. Sonograms have proven that this method works and physical disease can be healed. Please watch this video by Gregg Braden (an expert in combining science and spirituality) and see for yourself: http://youtu.be/fmMNlmn1DPc