Monday 31 October 2011

You are Whole

Our emotions, thoughts, and feelings can literally affect the well-being of another and change their "blueprint". Our feelings create electrical and magnetic impulses that extend into the world around us, affecting others by our negative and positive thoughts and feelings. We are creating a ripple effect.....

Did you know that in medicine-less hospitals in places such as Beijing, China, physical diseases can be healed in a matter of minutes? This knowledge has been practiced for thousands of years in eastern cultures. Patients are seen by practitioners as healthy, whole, complete, vital. The patient's body then mirrors this this new image. This healing is done without judgment. The practitioners are changing the quantum blueprint in the body and invite a new possibility for the illness. Seeing others in their perfection can be quite healing. Sonograms have proven that this method works and physical disease can be healed. Please watch this video by Gregg Braden (an expert in combining science and spirituality) and see for yourself:

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Shamanic Journeying

Shamanism is an ancient practice that has been used in many cultures for tens of thousands of years. It is one of the oldest forms of healing. A shaman is one who makes a journey in an altered state of consciousness outside time and space. Sandra Ingerman, a well-known shaman practitioner states, "Shamans look at the spiritual form of illness which may manifest on an emotional or physical level".
A technique used in Shamanism is called Soul Retrieval. The purpose for soul retrieval is to find the parts of a soul who is fragmented. A soul may become fragmented in order to help survive difficult periods in life. For instance, part of a soul may split during abuse, or when a child feels abandoned. This is to help the child survive these experiences. Our goal as adults is to be connected,whole, and complete. Soul retrieval helps mend the soul. The shaman literally travels back to the part of the clients life where they left part of themselves. At the end of the shamanic journey, the shaman symbolically blows their soul back into the person and says, "welcome home." This technique has been used anciently as a way to aid the healing process. People report feeling more "connected" and in their body fully. To learn more about shamanism go to:
Sandra Ingerman has written several book including Soul Retrieval

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Seasons of Change

As Caroline Myss summed up in her book Anatomy of the Spirit, "Biography becomes biology." Our life is impacted by the seasons we go through in life. Our life's story literally becomes encoded in our DNA and affects our body on a cellular level. Experiences, whether subtle or large, literally become a part of us and how we view and interpret the world. These experiences affect our energy field and alter the frequencies of our cells. Understanding that our cells are resonating with our personal life's story is an important part of our health. Positive and negative experiences literally shape the make-up of our bodies. This is a season for change!

Thinking positive thoughts can alter your life story and forgiveness can re-write your life's story......

Friday 14 October 2011

The Water Element

Water is associated with the qualities of emotion and intuition. In Taoist tradition, water flows to the path of least resistance. This could also be called "being in the flow". When we are in the flow, our water element is balanced. Relationships flow effortlessly and easily. When the Water Element is out of balance, we are in a state of fear. Fear is created from the past or recreated in the future. The present moment is the key to balancing the water element. Letting go of fear and worries and allowing yourself to be "in the flow" creates harmony and a peaceful existence.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Transforming Energy

Transforming and redirecting energy is a powerful tool in energy work. A transformation is needed to make changes in all aspects of life including spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical relationships. Here are certain steps that may help you with a particular issue you may experiencing: 1) Have faith and open up to the Divine 2) Trust your intuitive guidance 3) Have a clear direction and intention of what you would like to change or "transform" 4) Follow your "heart" and let lead the way 5) Believe that you have the power to change your current circumstances 6) Allow harmonious connection with your significant other 7) Ground yourself and connect to Mother Earth.

These steps allow the chakras or energy vortexes in your body to "awaken". Different vibrations and frequencies of light are needed to assist in the transformation process. Being a true instrument of light to yourself and others acts as a pure channel that is similar to a prism. This is how profound change and transformation occurs!

Monday 3 October 2011

Feng Shui

This brick walkway leads to the front entrance of my home. Jacque and I have been taking a Feng Shui class. This class teaches that our external environment in our home is a direct correlation of what is going on subconsciously. According to the Feng Shui philosophy, each space in the house represents different areas of our life. For instance, the front entrance of your home represents career and finance section. It should be neat and orderly. Objects that represent luck and prosperity would work well in this section. Water features such as an aquarium, fountains, or the color blue all attract the energy of being in the flow.

I have learned how important it is to clear space in Feng Shui. "Energetically, everything that ever happens in a building goes out in ripples, like the effect of a stone thrown into a pond. This energy is recorded in the walls, floor, ceilings, furniture, objects, plants, animals, and people in that space. Repetitive patterns are deeply imprinted. Any events accompanied by strong emotions or trauma are recorded more intensely." (As quoted in my manual). In Feng Shui, there are two parts of space clearing- First, is physical. The physical clearing involves washing windows, removing stains, scrubbing walls, dusting, removing clutter from under the bed, etc. This would be like "deep cleaning". Second, an energetic clearing takes place. Ways to energetically clear space are mentioned here.