Luna Sol Girls
A holistic approach to health using both modern and ancient wisdom
Monday, 12 March 2012
Root Chakra Therapy

Thursday, 23 February 2012
Moksa® Elixir – Harmony Within

What is Moksa Elixir?
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Lavender Essential Oil
Friday, 3 February 2012
Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing

Monday, 30 January 2012
BodyTalk: Restoring the Body’s Self-Healing Mechanism
This article is written by Agnes Szucs who lives in Budapest, Hungary. She is the most amazing BodyTalk practitioner and she is trained as a Registered Nurse...
What is BodyTalk? It is a state-of-the-art healthcare system that allows the body to re-establish its lines of communication within itself and thus regain balance and health.
So what does internal communication have to do with being healthy? Imagine, for example, a successful company, which will serve as an analogy for a healthily functioning body. All of the employees within the company fulfill vital roles that altogether make the company a successful one. It’s the same within the body: all organs, endocrines and other body parts work together to form one system.
In the company, it is necessary that each employee know his/her role and when to carry out what function. In order to know who has done what and what’s needed next, the employees must have a way to communicate and pay attention to each other. For example, shipping cannot occur before packaging up the goods, right?!
Now, due to different events within and outside of the company, an employee may become upset and decide to not talk to his co-workers or the boss. He will carry out his tasks whenever he feels like it, completely ignoring the others. The rest of the employees initially try to compensate and seem like it’s still functioning perfectly, but the company will sooner or later start showing signs of weakness… or in the case of the body, symptoms start showing up.
The body has an Innate self-healing mechanism that corrects imbalances as they occur. However, when communication breaks down between Innate and a certain part of the body due to the stresses of day-to-day life, the blocks to internal communication need to be addressed before the system can return to healthy functioning.
Using the BodyTalk System, practitioners can get in touch with the body’s Innate to map out the circuits where communication had broken down, bring the body’s awareness to them, and stimulate it to re-establish the damaged connections, regain balance and synchronized functioning within itself.
Because symptoms may take a long period of time to develop (sometimes even years), it is often necessary to have a few sessions before lasting results can occur, although there had been numerous occasions when symptoms were relieved after just one session.
Usually, healing is a process in which the body, as well as the whole person goes through changes. As a result of getting BodyTalk regularly, people often report that they sleep better, their digestion improves; they are much less likely to catch colds or the flu, and improvements also occur in the person’s emotional well-being. For example, people often feel more balanced, more patient and energized; they have better relationships with others; their concentration and cognitive functions improve; they seem to handle stress more effectively, and the symptom or illness for which they originally sought help begins to heal.
BodyTalk does not diagnose, treat or cure. It simply helps the body improve communication within itself and thus optimize its functions. Fritz-Albert Popp, a scientist whom Lynne McTaggart wrote about in her book titled The Field, carried out different experiments and was able to come to the following conclusion:
“Health was a state of perfect subatomic communication, and ill health was a state of communication breakdown. We are ill when our waves are out of synch.”
If you’d like to find out more about BodyTalk or what happens in a session, please visit HYPERLINK "http://www.inn8healing.com" www.inn8healing.com or contact Agnes by sending an email to HYPERLINK "mailto:inn8healing@yahoo.com" inn8healing@yahoo.com
Agnes is a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner residing in Hungary, Europe. She runs a practice in Budapest but also regularly conducts distance-sessions for clients around the world. To book a session with Agnes, please send an email to HYPERLINK "mailto:inn8healing@yahoo.com" inn8healing@yahoo.com
If you’d like book a session with a certified practitioner near you, please visit HYPERLINK "http://www.bodytalksystem.com" www.bodytalksystem.com to locate one.
Written for LunaSolGirls by:
Agnes Szucs, RN, BSN, CBP
Budapest, Hungary
Monday, 23 January 2012
Soul Lessons
The body creates an illness as a signal that there is a spiritual lesson that needs to be learned. We heal when we are open to receive this lesson. Wherever the soul feels most "open" is where the healing will be most beneficial. My sister just had her gall bladder out. I thought that for sure that she would be open to holistic techniques, but she was very closed. Her "opening " was with the care of doctors who performed surgery on her. This is where her healing was mostly accepted. The body is trying to signal to the mind that there is an unmet need and proper balancing is necessary. The soul will heal where it is most open.