Jacque and I just got back from a Crystal Reiki workshop, and it was AMAZING! ...
We have been creating grids every day since. This is a crystal grid which is formed to direct thought energy (your intention) towards a specific goal. For example- better health, a certain area of your life that needs attention, something you would like to manifest into your life, etc. Clear Quartz (the white longer crystals in the picture) have three notable properties: They can amplify, be programmed, and retain memory. Clear Quartz is a great stone for clearing negative (stagnant) energies. The larger stone in the middle of the grid is Rose Quartz. This is a very healing stone and enhances one's loving relationships. Every crystal we wear or have in our home has a specific purpose and property in healing emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Each crystal we buy should be cleaned because they can hold negative energies. To clean a crystal: Hold it under running water, soak it in sea salt water for 30 min, or put in the sunlight for a few hours.
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