Friday, 23 December 2011
Heart Center
Monday, 19 December 2011
The Perfect Man
Monday, 12 December 2011
Not Just a Holiday Scent: How Frankincense is becoming a cure-all herb
As the holidays creep up among us, and our houses start to smell of cinnamon and sweet pumpkin pies, I bet no one had a second thought about the effect of those scents on the body and mind. Certain scents open different parts of the mind and body to produce positive effects, and if you don't think this is true: think again. Even the most simple of scents has an effect on a person's mood, attitude towards the situation, and so on. Smell and scents have an effect on just about everything and everyone.
This is why we invest time and considerations in the perfumes we buy, the air fresheners we stock on our homes, and of course holiday scents. And the most notable, and probably most historic, holiday scent is Frankincense. The widely used aromatherapy plant has been used for generations to clear the mind and open the soul. It's mostly known for its presence in the story of the Three-Wise Men and in Roman Catholic ceremonies, but never for clinical trials...right?
Well, now Frankincense is making a comeback by being used as an integrative therapy in arthritis and cancer treatments. Cardiff University scientists have been researching Boswellia frerean, a species of frankincense, to study the effects of inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis. So far, they have demonstrated that the extract stops the production of inflammatory molecules which help prevent the breakdown of cartilage. This is big news in the prevention of arthritis, or the future cure. More studies are to be conducted.
The "stopping-agent" of the frankincense species is also being studied with cancer cells. Scientific studies are establishing the "reset" function frankincense has on the brain. Doctors have noted a frankincense aromatherapy treatment, actually separates the nucleus of the cancerous cell from the cytoplasm, making it unable to reproduce corrupt/cancerous DNA. This is a major development in cancer treatment since the frankincense does not negatively interact with healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy.
So far, even though there is no-concrete scientific evidence, many doctors recommended patients with unfavorable cancer prognosis, to practice aromatherapy sessions or adopt another complementary therapy. Not only do alternative therapies help relax the mind and body; they promote immune system function, which is the key during stressful times. Patients with aggressve cancers, like non-hodkin's lymphoma or mesothelioma, swear by holistic complements to conventional treatments. Who would have thought that over nine-thousand years ago a cleansing and curative plant would be medical science for tomorrow?
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Happy Birthday Jewel Chic!
1 large banana
1/4 cup frozen or fresh cranberries
juice of 1 orange
1/8 tsp. orange zest
2-3 stalks kale or handful of spinach leaves
1-2 tsp. agave nectar or honey
4 ice cubes
***blend on high 'til completely smooth and creamy! Enjoy!!
To watch our You Tube Video, click here:
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Find What You're Looking For...Using a Pendulum
I’m often asked how one can go about using a pendulum to find a lost object.
Pendulums and other dowsing objects, like dowsing rods (L rods or Y rods), have been used throughout history to locate objects or resources. But I’ll be they’ve never been as gorgeous & juicy-looking as they are now!
Now, you do already need to sorta already know your stuff & have a clear idea of what your “yes” & “no” movements are in order to do this accurately. You don’t have to be a pendulum expert by any means but you do want to have a good connection with yours & be accustomed to its movements.
Using a pendulum to find something you’ve lost can be very helpful while also giving you great practice with using your pendulum. Its actually pretty fun to do this b/c its just like a game! You can draw up a rough map of the space you think your lost object in. It doesn’t need to be fancy-shmancy, just a rough drawing will do. Then simply walk around your space from room to room, asking your pendulum if you’re close or not, hot or cold. Yup, just like the game.
For instance, you can go to each room within your home & ask if the lost item is there until you get a “yes”. Then spend time going through each area of that specific room asking if the object is in this or that region until you’ve homed in on it like a heat-seeking missile!
You can be loose with it. There’s no right or wrong way. You can do this either sitting or standing, walking from spot to spot, comfortably holding the pendulum’s chain between your thumb & forefinger at a comfortable height that feels right for you. If you’re sitting, then go ahead & rest your elbow on a table for stability. Use whatever hand feels most comfortable for you.
This can even be done from a distance! All you need is a map of the space the object is thought to be in.
My video on how to use a pendulum:
Happy Pendulum Hunting! May you find what you’re looking for!!
Hibiscus Moon
Hibiscus Moon hosts online classes that teach the science (& fun!) behind crystal healing.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
All Things Created Energetically
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Yesterday, I had a babysitter come over and watch my 3 kids. When I left, everything seemed to be under control. By the time I got home, I asked her how everything was.....Apparently, my 2 year old was taking a nap and he picked apart a pillow pet and cotton was everywhere in the room. My two older kids (5 and 7) decided to have a stuffed animal fight. Bottom line, it was too chaotic for her and she told me that she would not watch my kids again. I was kind of bummed out, but I decided to NAMASTE her. Basically, I blessed her and thanked her for showing up for me. This experience taught me how important it is to be love-based. When love is the motivation, all the chaos is OK. I realized that the babysitter judged this experience and she made the assumption that my kids were "naughty." This is not who they are or definitive of who they are. Seeing others in the light of love is the most powerful way to see who they really are.
Monday, 7 November 2011
Balancing Health
We look at spiritual, mental, emotional, physical health in terms of vibration. Each aspect of our heath resonates at a different pitch or vibration. The lowest vibration is physical health. Next is emotional health, then mental health. The highest vibration is spiritual health. When your health is in balance, it is playing a beautiful tune creating harmony. Here are ways that we balance our health:
Physical Health- Exercise regularly and eat a well-balanced diet
Emotional Health- Release emotions that are toxic to the body. There are many methods, we like the Emotion Code, go to
Mental Health- Let go of old belief patterns that the subconscious mind takes literally. We just found a method called Psych-K. Go to,
Spiritual Health- Practice Forgiveness. This literally rewrites your story by changing the DNA . The past is erased and you are able to live more fully in the present moment.
Monday, 31 October 2011
You are Whole
Our emotions, thoughts, and feelings can literally affect the well-being of another and change their "blueprint". Our feelings create electrical and magnetic impulses that extend into the world around us, affecting others by our negative and positive thoughts and feelings. We are creating a ripple effect.....
Did you know that in medicine-less hospitals in places such as Beijing, China, physical diseases can be healed in a matter of minutes? This knowledge has been practiced for thousands of years in eastern cultures. Patients are seen by practitioners as healthy, whole, complete, vital. The patient's body then mirrors this this new image. This healing is done without judgment. The practitioners are changing the quantum blueprint in the body and invite a new possibility for the illness. Seeing others in their perfection can be quite healing. Sonograms have proven that this method works and physical disease can be healed. Please watch this video by Gregg Braden (an expert in combining science and spirituality) and see for yourself:
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Shamanic Journeying
A technique used in Shamanism is called Soul Retrieval. The purpose for soul retrieval is to find the parts of a soul who is fragmented. A soul may become fragmented in order to help survive difficult periods in life. For instance, part of a soul may split during abuse, or when a child feels abandoned. This is to help the child survive these experiences. Our goal as adults is to be connected,whole, and complete. Soul retrieval helps mend the soul. The shaman literally travels back to the part of the clients life where they left part of themselves. At the end of the shamanic journey, the shaman symbolically blows their soul back into the person and says, "welcome home." This technique has been used anciently as a way to aid the healing process. People report feeling more "connected" and in their body fully. To learn more about shamanism go to:
Sandra Ingerman has written several book including Soul Retrieval
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Seasons of Change
Thinking positive thoughts can alter your life story and forgiveness can re-write your life's story......
Friday, 14 October 2011
The Water Element
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Transforming Energy

These steps allow the chakras or energy vortexes in your body to "awaken". Different vibrations and frequencies of light are needed to assist in the transformation process. Being a true instrument of light to yourself and others acts as a pure channel that is similar to a prism. This is how profound change and transformation occurs!
Monday, 3 October 2011
Feng Shui
I have learned how important it is to clear space in Feng Shui. "Energetically, everything that ever happens in a building goes out in ripples, like the effect of a stone thrown into a pond. This energy is recorded in the walls, floor, ceilings, furniture, objects, plants, animals, and people in that space. Repetitive patterns are deeply imprinted. Any events accompanied by strong emotions or trauma are recorded more intensely." (As quoted in my manual). In Feng Shui, there are two parts of space clearing- First, is physical. The physical clearing involves washing windows, removing stains, scrubbing walls, dusting, removing clutter from under the bed, etc. This would be like "deep cleaning". Second, an energetic clearing takes place. Ways to energetically clear space are mentioned here.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Love Yourself
When you love yourself, you are showing kindness and respect for yourself and others. The foundation of sharing kindness and respect for others is: self-love.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Walking Labyrinths
My family traveled to Seattle a few weeks ago... There was a Walking Labyrinth in front of the Music Project Museum. There is one way in to the center and one way out. Labyrinths are one of the oldest transformational tools to humanity. They are used as an ancient symbol of healing and for connecting the mind body and spirit. Research from Harvard Medical School has shown that walking meditations greatly reduce anxiety and stress. Labyrinths balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain and balance the masculine and feminine energies in our bodies. They represent life's journey, the journey to the soul.
Monday, 12 September 2011
Fire Releasing Meditation

Friday, 9 September 2011
Reclaim Your Wholeness

Thursday, 1 September 2011
Part 2!!!
Learn proper breath techniques in Kundalini Yoga...
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Opening the Kundalini
Kundalini Yoga is known as the "yoga of awareness". Kundalini literally means "that which is coiled". This type of yoga awakens the sleeping kundalini energy at the base of the spine. Wikipedia describes Kundalini Yoga in this way, "It expands sensory sensitivity, enhances intuition, and merges individual consciousness with the infinite consciousness of God." It is a very powerful form of yoga. In this video, Rachael teaches how to recite the mantra Sat Nam meaning "Truth is my identity". I felt euphoric after this experience and it only took a few minutes...
Part 2 of Kundalini Yoga will be coming soon... Hope you enjoy!
Friday, 26 August 2011

Our planet more than ever has a need for Reiki. It "awakens" the body and mind to a state of peace and acceptance of what once existed. Anciently, it was used as a tool for healing and has been recovered today as information that the body recognizes as truth and light.
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Life Force Energy
Diane Stein in her book Essential Reiki explains that "Ch'i of Ki is also the life force of the Earth, the planets, the stars, and the heavens, and these sources of energy affect the living body's Ki. Everything alive contains Ki and radiates it- it is the biomagnetic energy of the aura." Reiki is a powerful healing modality that is very gentle. It is a hands-on-technique that helps to unblock congested energies in the body so the Ki or Chi flows more freely. This adds to greater health on all levels- spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Clearing Limited Beliefs

As Carol Tuttle states in her book Remembering Wholeness, "Everyone carries limiting beliefs and patterns that they came to clear. In clearing these energies, we heal the lies that we thought were truths about ourselves. We thought that they were true because we kept having experiences that made us think, This keeps happening to me so it must be true! As you change your beliefs, you change your life, and understand now that you can create whatever you want."
We have found powerful healing modalities that can change limited beliefs and generational patterns. These include: Rapid Eye Technology, The Emotion Code, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Reiki, Body Talk, Family Constellations, "The Script" as given by Karol Truman in Feelings Buried Alive Never Die. There are many more. Feel free to comment if you have another therapy that has helped you. We would love to hear. Thank you!
Saturday, 20 August 2011
A Change of Heart
This picture was taken at the Japanese Gardens in Portland, Oregon. It is a very tranquil place that fills your soul with peace.
Karol Truman has created an amazing script on forgiveness. She is the author of two of our favorite books, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die and Healing Feelings from the Heart. You can energetically transform difficult relationships by using this script as a tool.
SAY: "Heart to heart...(name the person) It is wonderful to know you. (State the beautiful qualities of this person.) Thank you for showing up for me and teaching me (even if it is through a negative experience). I am so grateful for you in my life. Heart to heart, I behold you with eyes of love and glory in your perfection. If I have done or said anything that has offended you, will you forgive me?"
This allows a "change of heart" to take place. It is important not to judge yourself or others from past experiences. It does not define who you are or who they are. By releasing these emotions, the past is left behind. By being present, you are allowing the re-creation of yourself and your future every day.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
The Energy of Food
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Zen Gardens
Friday, 5 August 2011
They are beautiful and so feminine. It made me think about femininity and what is means. Wikipedia describes femininity as a set of attributes, behaviors and roles generally associated with girls and women. This "yin" energy has the ability to draw others in. A woman in her feminine power holds the true essence of beauty. Haven't you heard a man say, "I just couldn't take my eyes off of her". Feminine ideals are love, compassion, trust, and gentleness. I believe these attributes to be associated with the heart. When a woman is in touch with her femininity she is in touch with her sacral chakra which holds the sexual dynamics (sex appeal). When the heart chakra and sacral sacral chakra are working together, the result is a beautiful soft blend of feminine power. This energy is very magnetic and powerful, yet it holds a soft classical rhythm.
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Our True Self
As Louise Hay says,"The people in my life are really mirrors of me. This affords me the opportunity to grow and change. My life is a mirror. What do you see in yours?". This concept is very interesting. For the very things we love about others are inside of us, and the very thing we hate in others is reflected inside of us. In her book Remembering Wholeness, author Carol Tuttle teaches us that we must view life as a reflection of our deepest self. "Everything that we experience on the external world is a mirror… In viewing life as a mirror, we are able to see what we believe at a deeper level, things or emotions our conscious mind distorts and keeps hidden to us." Through others, we are being reflected. May we reflect our true self and who we want to become! Namaste
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Peace Camp
My kids went to
Monday, 25 July 2011
Flouride-Free Toothpaste
It has been documented that there are many health risks with the flouride that we use in our drinking water and in our toothpastes. It is crystallizing our pineal glands. We made this natural toothpaste that is so easy to make! Here is the recipe:
4 Tbsp. Organic Coconut Oil
3 Tbsp. Baking Soda
1/2 packet of Stevia
Blend well. Next, add 10 drops peppermint oil
Quick tip: Strawberries are a great astringent. They can be mashed and used to brush teeth for children!
Sunday, 24 July 2011

Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Meditation Gardens
This picture was taken at the meditation gardens in Leucadia, CA. It was such a relaxing place with koi ponds overlooking the ocean. As explained by Walter Lubeck in his article, Reiki and Meditation, "[i]n Zen this state of mind is related to a picture of a pond, untouched by the wind, so the water is absolutely calm and therefore able to mirror the sky. Only the completely peaceful mind can act as a mirror for the divine. When you meditate,... you have chosen to encounter the divine." Just by meditating in a quiet place, you are able to connect to yourself and to your surroundings. Take a moment today to find your "Meditation Garden" to sit quietly and reach the stillness within.
Monday, 18 July 2011
Worry-Free Zones
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
The Crown Chakra
The crown chakra holds our connection to the Divine. When it is open when we clearly see our roles as humans in that we are are all connected and we are"one". It evokes a sense of inner peace. When our connection is strong, it stimulates the pineal gland which activates the brow chakra. It will give a deeper sense of inner knowing. Open this chakra by affirming: I am a Divine being of light. I am connected to the Divine (who I call God) and I am connected to humanity through loving acts of kindness and service. I am the light and the light is within you... When this light enters into the crown chakra, we are aware of our "light' and the "light" within others-NAMASTE (the God/Goddess within me recognizes the God/Goddess within you).
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Wayne Cook Posture
Click here to learn more:
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Tiger's Eye
This stone received its name "Tiger's Eye" because of its golden brown and yellow stripes which literally resemble a tiger's eye. This stone is great for the lower chakras. It is a gentle grounding stone that will calm and center yourself when you feel scattered and unorganized. It enhances integrity, willpower, and courage. Anciently, Roman soldiers used Tiger's Eye in battle for protection. Its protection is similar to the "evil eye" pendant which wards off negativity. This mineral brings together the vibrations of sunlight and sand, which represent the energies of Sun and Earth. This is for sure one of our favorites!
A Soul Journey

Tuesday, 5 July 2011
A Peace Note
Peace is a condition that we all strive for. This peace is the absence of anger and fear. It is the gentle condition of the desire of the human soul. You can not reach an enlightened state without the journey of peace. Write a peace note today to any relationship that is suffering to transform anger. It will allow the higher power to work for you by surrendering pride. This will create peace of mind...
Friday, 1 July 2011
Chakra Teas(E)
Tanya Quinn, owner of T'sSpace, has a line of Chakra Teas(e) and Body Scrubs. Her products are all natural and organic. Check them out here:
Thursday, 30 June 2011
The Science of Forgiveness
Our own science now has demonstrated that DNA, your DNA, is directly tied to your ability to forgive, allow and love through the expression of your life. The science of loving, forgiving, and allowing is nothing new. The technology underlying love and forgiveness is an ancient as well as universal science, known today as compassion. Your ability to express forgiveness, allowing others the outcome of their own experience, without changing the nature of who you are, is a hallmark of the highest levels of life mastery."
Monday, 27 June 2011
Ginger Citrus Detox Drink
1-2 lemons, juiced
1 orange, juiced
1/4 tsp each lemon and orange zest
1 tsp minced/crushed ginger
1-2 cloves garlic, crushed
pinch of cayenne pepper
1 Tbs cold pressed olive oil
1 Tbs cold pressed safflower oil
Mix all ingredients by hand or in a blender.
Check out our new video:
(As demonstrated by Tanya Quinn from T'sSpace...)
Friday, 24 June 2011
Luna Sol Ocean Meditation
I am now on vacation at the beach... the beach is a popular vacation destination, a calming place to meditate, and a place for adventure. Looking into the ocean is very mesmerizing. The water elements of the ocean carry a pattern: As the waves crash lightly into the sand, they pull away. They, then, repeat this pattern over and over. It is this pattern that is predictable and so therapeutic for many people.
Imagine yourself at the beach. It is you and only you who is present. As you relax and look into the ocean, you are becoming one with the waves. Your energy reaches out and pulls back in with the waves. This energy pattern creates a cycle. As the waves reach out, so does your masculine energy. As the waves pull back in, so does your feminine energy. This is a natural cycle of nature. You are becoming balanced. These energies, like the ocean waves, work harmoniously to form a balance. The water element, representing the ocean and the earth element, representing the sand are working together in this endless cycle. In this moment, you are complete. You are whole.
You are the ocean and the ocean is within you...
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Color Therapy
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Light Bulb Moments
As James Allen quotes in As a Man Thinketh, "He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it. Columbus cherished a vision of another world, and he discovered it; Copernicus fostered the vision of a multiplicity of worlds and a wider universe and he revealed it; Buddha beheld the vision of a spiritual world of stainless beauty and perfect peace, and he entered into it."
A "light bulb moment" is when one receives sudden inspiration, revelation, or recognition about a certain event. When the mind awakens to a greater understanding of the truth- it is a great motivator to accomplish one's goals, dreams, and visions. It is becoming part of the soul's desire for oneself....
Friday, 17 June 2011
This picture was taken a few days ago of my daughter at a local street fair. Children carry such a joyful vibration. This vibration is what many of us as adults seek, but we are unable to find it. We forget that this joy vibration once existed. I used to think that joy was a fleeting emotion, something that I chased after with much difficulty. I now know that joy is what we are meant to experience in daily living. It is a pure emotion that brings one back to a state of innocence. When you are experiencing joy, you are remembering what your natural state of be-ing is. If you forget what it is like and don't know where to find it: Look at a child, and they will reflect it back to you and you will remember!
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Childrens' Blessing Candles
My kids made these beautiful candles. Each candle is made with dried herbs, such as lavender and rose. They also put an essential oil in each candle and sprinkled mustard seeds for greater faith. They smell sooo great when they burn. My kids beg me to make candles and it only takes a few minutes!
To find out more about making candles, check out our video: