Thursday, 30 June 2011

The Science of Forgiveness

As Gregg Braden states in Walking Between the Worlds, "Researchers have recently demonstrated to the western world a phenomenon that has been taught....for thousands of years. New data now supports the idea that human emotion [feelings and thoughts] determines the actual patterning of DNA within the body...stated another way, researchers have discovered that the arrangement of matter ( atoms, bacteria, viruses, climate, even other people) surrounding your body, is directly linked to the feeling and emotion from within your body!
Our own science now has demonstrated that DNA, your DNA, is directly tied to your ability to forgive, allow and love through the expression of your life. The science of loving, forgiving, and allowing is nothing new. The technology underlying love and forgiveness is an ancient as well as universal science, known today as compassion. Your ability to express forgiveness, allowing others the outcome of their own experience, without changing the nature of who you are, is a hallmark of the highest levels of life mastery."


  1. What a wonderful quote! Thanks so much for sharing this April :)


  2. Of all your posts, I think this one is my favourite. It goes right along with something I've been talking about with my friend. Thanks. Can't wait to see you!
