Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Childrens' Blessing Candles

My kids made these beautiful candles. Each candle is made with dried herbs, such as lavender and rose. They also put an essential oil in each candle and sprinkled mustard seeds for greater faith. They smell sooo great when they burn. My kids beg me to make candles and it only takes a few minutes!
To find out more about making candles, check out our video:


  1. Oh my... these are my favorite projects that hopefully I'll be making soon! I also love the video on how to preserve your flowers and use it for something creative... like including the petals inside the candle roll or on the outside!

    I feel my inner child awakening, and it feels so good!

  2. These candles are so simple to do! Being creative is the best part of it. I Love to put in the essential oils, herbs, and crystals. It is so fun! Hope this project works for you!

  3. Have you ever considered selling your candles?
