Our own science now has demonstrated that DNA, your DNA, is directly tied to your ability to forgive, allow and love through the expression of your life. The science of loving, forgiving, and allowing is nothing new. The technology underlying love and forgiveness is an ancient as well as universal science, known today as compassion. Your ability to express forgiveness, allowing others the outcome of their own experience, without changing the nature of who you are, is a hallmark of the highest levels of life mastery."
Thursday, 30 June 2011
The Science of Forgiveness
Our own science now has demonstrated that DNA, your DNA, is directly tied to your ability to forgive, allow and love through the expression of your life. The science of loving, forgiving, and allowing is nothing new. The technology underlying love and forgiveness is an ancient as well as universal science, known today as compassion. Your ability to express forgiveness, allowing others the outcome of their own experience, without changing the nature of who you are, is a hallmark of the highest levels of life mastery."
Monday, 27 June 2011
Ginger Citrus Detox Drink
1-2 lemons, juiced
1 orange, juiced
1/4 tsp each lemon and orange zest
1 tsp minced/crushed ginger
1-2 cloves garlic, crushed
pinch of cayenne pepper
1 Tbs cold pressed olive oil
1 Tbs cold pressed safflower oil
Mix all ingredients by hand or in a blender.
Check out our new video: http://youtu.be/6uQ8HVWJVL8
(As demonstrated by Tanya Quinn from T'sSpace...)
Friday, 24 June 2011
Luna Sol Ocean Meditation
I am now on vacation at the beach... the beach is a popular vacation destination, a calming place to meditate, and a place for adventure. Looking into the ocean is very mesmerizing. The water elements of the ocean carry a pattern: As the waves crash lightly into the sand, they pull away. They, then, repeat this pattern over and over. It is this pattern that is predictable and so therapeutic for many people.
Imagine yourself at the beach. It is you and only you who is present. As you relax and look into the ocean, you are becoming one with the waves. Your energy reaches out and pulls back in with the waves. This energy pattern creates a cycle. As the waves reach out, so does your masculine energy. As the waves pull back in, so does your feminine energy. This is a natural cycle of nature. You are becoming balanced. These energies, like the ocean waves, work harmoniously to form a balance. The water element, representing the ocean and the earth element, representing the sand are working together in this endless cycle. In this moment, you are complete. You are whole.
You are the ocean and the ocean is within you...
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Color Therapy
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Light Bulb Moments
As James Allen quotes in As a Man Thinketh, "He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it. Columbus cherished a vision of another world, and he discovered it; Copernicus fostered the vision of a multiplicity of worlds and a wider universe and he revealed it; Buddha beheld the vision of a spiritual world of stainless beauty and perfect peace, and he entered into it."
A "light bulb moment" is when one receives sudden inspiration, revelation, or recognition about a certain event. When the mind awakens to a greater understanding of the truth- it is a great motivator to accomplish one's goals, dreams, and visions. It is becoming part of the soul's desire for oneself....
Friday, 17 June 2011
This picture was taken a few days ago of my daughter at a local street fair. Children carry such a joyful vibration. This vibration is what many of us as adults seek, but we are unable to find it. We forget that this joy vibration once existed. I used to think that joy was a fleeting emotion, something that I chased after with much difficulty. I now know that joy is what we are meant to experience in daily living. It is a pure emotion that brings one back to a state of innocence. When you are experiencing joy, you are remembering what your natural state of be-ing is. If you forget what it is like and don't know where to find it: Look at a child, and they will reflect it back to you and you will remember!
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Childrens' Blessing Candles
My kids made these beautiful candles. Each candle is made with dried herbs, such as lavender and rose. They also put an essential oil in each candle and sprinkled mustard seeds for greater faith. They smell sooo great when they burn. My kids beg me to make candles and it only takes a few minutes!
To find out more about making candles, check out our video: http://youtu.be/AqoeNPjKpHA
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Living Energy
Scientists have discovered through Kirlian Photography that leaves have an energy field. They cut a leaf in half and took a picture of it. The result in the photo was a whole leaf. The energy field was still intact even though you could not see the whole leaf in physical form. This supports the theory that we are all living energy in physical form. This energy is named by different terms in different cultures: In India, it is called "prana", in China "chi", and is widely known as "spirit". Many scientists have come to the same conclusion as spiritualists: There is an energy field within all living things.
Friday, 10 June 2011
The Third Eye
Spend 15 minutes a day in your own space free from distraction. Allow your mind to share the knowledge that is already there...
Thursday, 9 June 2011
This art piece is hanging in my kitchen. Many years ago, I was in Menerbes, France (where Pablo Picasso lived). My husband and I were walking down a small cobble stone street and we came across this small art piece. I have to say that I love artists! They are able to have a lasting effect upon people just by creating. I have learned that Passion starts in the Root Chakra. When you begin to live and follow your passion, this energy will not only effect you by energizing and charging your chakra system, it will effect and charge others as well.
Check out the Polite Society Magazine this month. The theme is "Passion" and it is an issue you will not want to miss. If you have not subscribed, it is free and only takes a minute. You can view my article in the Mind Body Spirit section and many articles written by Jacque at: politesocietymagazine.com
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Your Purpose
SAY: It is my intent to know my purpose in body, mind, and soul. Thank you! And so it is...
Energy Circles
When you know what statement you would like to say, simply throw the energetic statement into the circle with your hands (like throwing an imaginary ball). Repeat the same statement (or a series of positive affirmations) at least three times. Feel the positive energy as it builds and takes shape. Step into this circle and step into the new energy that you have just created. What does it feel like to have a healthy, happy body? Imagine yourself exactly as you would be if the creation of your desire were instant. Allow yourself to stay in this new positively charged energy for a few minutes. You are in a new energy of the new you!
*Note- This exercise is most powerful when done regularly.
This circle was created in my backyard with stones. These circles can be created in any way, even by drawing them with a piece of paper.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Luna Sol Rock Meditation
Stone stacking is a form of active and still meditation combined. It has been used to ground the body's energies since ancient times and is a gentle, yet powerful way to center the mind, body, and spirit.
Any stones may be used...whether you take a walk and pick them up along the way, or you decide to use stones you already have. The dense, low frequency of the rock's energies can serve as a beautiful mediator between you and earth, allowing the release of any energies and emotions that are no longer serving your highest good. The act of finding the balance in each stone as you stack one on top of the other will serve as a calming sedative to an over-active mind.
A rock meditation allows you to be still in the present moment. To view our complete Rock Meditation, check out our You Tube channel, in a few days.....
Any stones may be used...whether you take a walk and pick them up along the way, or you decide to use stones you already have. The dense, low frequency of the rock's energies can serve as a beautiful mediator between you and earth, allowing the release of any energies and emotions that are no longer serving your highest good. The act of finding the balance in each stone as you stack one on top of the other will serve as a calming sedative to an over-active mind.
A rock meditation allows you to be still in the present moment. To view our complete Rock Meditation, check out our You Tube channel, in a few days.....
Friday, 3 June 2011
Soap Making
These are Soap Samples that were made by my instructor, Tanya Quinn, at my soap making class. You can really create anything! It was fun to see how all the different soaps each person came up with.
Second, we cut up the base into 1 inch chunks so that they would melt. You can put these chunks in smaller batches in the microwave. Start at 45 second intervals until the chunks are melted. Put Saran wrap over the bowl to keep excess moisture from evaporating.
Third, add food coloring, 1 drop at a time. Then add spices and herbs to the melted soap once it has cooled slightly. I added rose petals lavender and green tea leaves. My teacher purchased this blue container at the 99 cent store. Ice cube trays that have a rubber mold can also be used as soap molds.
To buy all soap making supplies and for recipes, click here: soapmakerssupplies.com
To take a Soap Making class, go to Tanya Quinn's website: communeloveprosper.com
and click on "calendar" to see her schedule!
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra is an energy wheel that is located in the middle of the sternum, or chest. This chakra is fully functioning when we are giving and receiving love. It gets blocked, or closed, when we withhold our love from others, or when we are not allowing ourselves to forgive. We can open the heart chakra when we are able to let go of the past and see ourselves and others as LOVE. When we create a separation from this love, we can suffer emotionally and even physically.
To open the heart chakra: Sit in a chair and lock fingers in a grip at the heart center. Move elbows in a seesaw position while pulling in your finger grip. While doing this exercise, tuck in your pelvis and repeat for about 30 seconds.
After exercise, SAY: I am now opening my heart for giving and receiving love. I forgive the past and I am grateful for this moment. I see the good in others as I see the good in myself. I am full of love and light. Every time I give love, I receive love. I am now balancing the masculine and feminine energies. It is done. Thank you!
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