Friday, 10 June 2011

The Third Eye

Why do trees have eyes? As I was walking in my neighborhood, I noticed that all of the trees seemed to have "eyes" on them. We all have a brow chakra located between the eyebrows which is known as the "third eye". It sees in the sense that we are not physically aware of. We must trust our intuition and what we believe to be true to "open" this third eye. Many people are able to get in touch with their third eye during meditation. Images may come into your mind similar to a dream state. It is showing your mind through your third eye what your soul believes to be true.

Spend 15 minutes a day in your own space free from distraction. Allow your mind to share the knowledge that is already there...


  1. True, they do have forms that reminds us of eyes, and mouths, ears, etc... Doreen Virtue discusses trees in her book "Healing With The Fairies", and she says that as living beings in nature, they do have wisdom and energy that we can heal from as we walk among them. One very cool exercise is to hug a tree, send it love, and feel what happens.

    If you so feel like, you can also ask questions and notice how the answer comes to you... nature is all magic :)

  2. Wow! That is so cool. I still need to get her book, "The Lightworker's Way". I will have to check out that book as well. Thank you!

  3. I think I can say that Doreen's book "The Lightworker's Way" changed my life forever. It was so inspiring in so many way. I'm still very drawn to it, and while I realize that it may not hold "the key" to all people's lives, I think everyone will benefit in one way or another by reading it :)

    I think this blog is awesome, keep up this fabulous energy! You are definitely spreading light in the world!

    Love to you.
