The Heart Chakra is an energy wheel that is located in the middle of the sternum, or chest. This chakra is fully functioning when we are giving and receiving love. It gets blocked, or closed, when we withhold our love from others, or when we are not allowing ourselves to forgive. We can open the heart chakra when we are able to let go of the past and see ourselves and others as LOVE. When we create a separation from this love, we can suffer emotionally and even physically.
To open the heart chakra: Sit in a chair and lock fingers in a grip at the heart center. Move elbows in a seesaw position while pulling in your finger grip. While doing this exercise, tuck in your pelvis and repeat for about 30 seconds.
After exercise, SAY: I am now opening my heart for giving and receiving love. I forgive the past and I am grateful for this moment. I see the good in others as I see the good in myself. I am full of love and light. Every time I give love, I receive love. I am now balancing the masculine and feminine energies. It is done. Thank you!
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